Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Write a novel in a month short course

And more news in from Bruno:

Would you think we were crazy if.....

>>>>>>>>we told you, you could write 50,000 words of your
sci-fi novel
who dunnit
historical drama
chapter book in a month

>>>>>>>>we told you , you could carve out 6
SATURDAY mornings (2 and a half hours)

to really get into that mesmerising Writing zone.


WRITE a NOVEL in a MONTH short course is just around the proverbial corner.

Write a Novel in a Month short course
Teacher: Margaret McCarthy
Dates: Information session Saturday 12 June at 10.30 - 11.15am (free)
Course begins 26 June, for 6 weeks
Day & Time: Saturday mornings 9:30-12:00 noon
Cost: $240
Venue: Point Cook / Werribee area (exact place to be advised –stay in touch!)

Novel in July is inspired by NaNoWriMo, an international writing competition to write 50,000 words (a novel draft) in a month. Participants with any level of writing experience, including first-time writers, can take part. This short course is for anyone who wants to have a go.

Why do this class? You will write and finish the first draft of a novel!

Many things prevent people from writing. Novel in July offers a way around lack of experience, writer’s block and perfectionism. As long as you meet your word count, you can’t fail. Novel in July keeps you writing—not re-drafting, stopping or editing.

Can’t I just take the challenge at home? Yes, you can. But writing with a class greatly improves your chances of meeting the total:

· Percentage of Novel in a Month class members who reach the 50,000 word target: 80%!

What if I’ve started a novel already? While our November class focuses on new work only, Novel in July you allows you to continue with an existing writing project or begin something fresh – you choose.

What do you have to do? Come to class for discussion, support and novel writing strategies; then write your quota every day. By the end of the month, you will complete your novel and be ready to debrief and celebrate.

About the teacher

Margaret McCarthy is a published poet and writer teaching in Melbourne’s west. She has taught creative writing for many years and her creative writing work is published widely. Margaret’s manuscript “Entitlement” was short-listed for the Harper Collins Varuna Awards for Manuscript Development 2006. Her 50,000 word young adult fiction draft “Subject to Change” was completed in the November 2009 Novel in a Month challenge. She holds a MA in Creative Writing from Melbourne University.

Find out about

Ø Ideas about writing novels
Ø Plot
Ø Character
Ø Setting
Ø Writing to deadline
Ø Writing forward without looking back
Ø Problem solving

This Course is run by Professional Writing & Editing (PWE) TAFE, Victoria University.
Apply direct through the Creative Industries website at http://creativeindustries.vu.edu.au/
For more information, contact Isabelle.LeBouder@vu.edu.au or phone the PWE Office 9919 2681.

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